Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Glory Days and The Wonder Years

Ok let me take you back a little bit. First there were the arcades and even as a young lad I pumped as many quarters into the things as I was allowed to get my grubby little hands on. Games like Centipede, Space Invaders, Asteroids and Battlezone. These were the first I encountered and they paved the way for the future of gaming led by Pacman, Defender, Q-Bert and a string of other games. Ahh those were the days right? Well I for one am not a retro gamer. In fact I have played some of these retro collections and think them to be crap at best. But they were the best crap of their day.

There is one thing that sticks out in mind as when the gaming landscape changed for me. Yes it was the Nintendo Entertainment System. When I first saw one I knew I had to have one. I had to be the first kid on my block to get one. And you know what? I was. But even before you plugged this miracle in. Even before that fat little plumber Mario sucked you into the Mushroom Kingdom, perhaps long before you even gave a damn about the Princess, there was the unboxing of the system.

By the way...if you look closely at the box it states that the NES was the most challenging video game system ever created. I dunno about that...but if you watch the following clip, could you tell me you didn't want a NES? I didn't think so...who wouldn't want their very own robot. Too bad they only ever developed 2 games for poor old R.O.B.

And this is to blame for making me the "Man" I am today. ;') Oh and if you wonder what the top arcade game of all time was... I'll give you a couple of hints. 1). He was yellow. 2). I still annoy people with the sound effects from this game...just ask people at my work!

1 comment:


    I love Pacman. I have yet to roll Ms Pacman.

    That's some large picture, did you paint it?

    Ever try sending your short stories into publishers. Always a market for them.

    The hardest thing I find about doing blogs is just remembering to post or coming up with something to post when news is short.
